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Integrate sun protection into your Smart Home


In the world of smart technologies, almost every household appliance can now be made smart. From smart thermostats and lighting to smart kitchen appliances and baby monitors. But did you know that you can also integrate your sun blinds into your Smart Home? Discover how you can make your home even more comfortable and energy efficient with smart sun blinds.

What is a Smart Home?

A Smart Home is a house in which various devices and systems are connected to each other and controlled via a central point, such as a smartphone or smart speaker. This not only provides more convenience, but can also contribute to energy savings. For example, consider a smart thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature based on your daily routine, or lighting that turns on as soon as you enter a room.

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Benefits of smart sun blinds

Smart sun blinds are a valuable addition to your smart home. Here are some reasons why:

1. Energy efficiency

Smart sun blinds can automatically respond to weather conditions and the position of the sun. This means your shades can close to keep your home cool on hot days, reducing the need for air conditioning. In winter, the roller shutters can be closed to prevent heat loss, so you have to use less heating.

2. Convenience

With smart sun blinds you no longer have to manually operate your awnings, zipper screens or roller shutters. You can easily open or close the sun blinds via an app on your smartphone or a smart speaker, even when you are not at home. This is ideal for when you have to leave unexpectedly or during your holiday.

3. Safety

Smart sun blinds can also contribute to the security of your home. By closing automatically when you are not at home, potential burglars can be deterred. You can also check via the app whether your sun blinds are closed, which gives you peace of mind.

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Integration into your existing Smart Home

Integrating sun blinds into your Smart Home is easier than you think. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Choose the right sun protection

Not all sun protection products are suitable for smart control. When purchasing, you should pay attention to compatibility with smart home systems. Verano® offers a wide range of smart sun protection options that easily integrate with systems such as Google Home, Amazon Alexa and Apple HomeKit.

2. Install a smart engine

For existing sun blinds, you can consider installing a smart motor. These motors can be connected to your smart home system and make it possible to make your existing sun blinds smart without replacing everything.

3. Connect to your Smart Home system

Use the app of your Smart Home system to connect your blinds. Follow the steps to add the sun blinds and configure the settings as desired. You can set schedules for automatic control and integrate with other smart devices in your home.

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Privacy and security

Although smart technologies offer many benefits, it is important to be aware of the privacy aspects. Smart devices collect data to optimize their functionality. This can range from usage data from your smart coffee maker to images from your smart baby monitor. Make sure you check privacy settings and use secure networks to prevent unwanted access to your devices.


Integrating sun blinds into your Smart Home offers numerous benefits in terms of energy efficiency, convenience and safety. By choosing smart sun blinds from Verano® you can enjoy a more comfortable and sustainable home.