Trees for All

Trees for All is a Dutch Non-Profit Organization. For more than 20 years, their goal is to achieve a forested world. This NPO plants trees across the entire world and raises awareness of the importance of trees. With the received donations, Trees for All plants new forests worldwide and restores existing forests. This way, we can positively contribute to the climate, biodiversity and living conditions (Pictures: Trees for All).

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Het Groene Woud

With a yearly donation of €15.000,- Verano® and Trees for All support the foundation ARK Natuurontwikkeling in adding new loam forests to the "Groene Woud” in Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands

150.000 trees
31 tree and bush species
2020-2023: period of planting

Trees allow animals, plants, and insects to live a healthy, nutritious and protected life.

Bosdier specht

More biodiversity

Trees are essential to animals and plants. They nourish, protect and provide shelter.

Boomplantdag Trees for All

Healthy living conditions

Trees have a positive effect on the air quality and the supply of food, medicines, water, work, income, protection and relaxation.

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Improved climate

Trees absorb CO2, offer cooling, and contribute to water regulation.


With our donation, we also support in restoring the unique lowland forests in West-Madagascar. This is an initiative of Trees for All and Zazamala Foundation.

150.000 trees
villagers involved
local and endemic tree species.

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A patch of green for everyone

By planting 2500 trees, we offer all our employees a patch of green. Our current employees received a certificate of their own tree in "Het Groene Would” or in Madagascar. Are you joining Verano®? Then you'll get your own (inter)national tree, too!

Later this year, we will plant trees ourselves during the National plant-a-Tree Day. Follow us on social media for more information about the action!

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Contribute to a green earth

Plant your own tree or become a donor!