Child safety is an important theme in window decoration. Obviously very understandable, as we want to avoid dangerous situations and accidents involving cord operation (cords, chains, ball chains and straps) at all costs. This is exactly why the European Commission has drawn up very strict regulations for this specific area. Child safety is a top priority to us. This is why our products are tailored to the European Commission’s regulations.
The regulations for child safety apply to children aged between 0 and 42 months. The important regulations apply to, for example, the maximum length of the operating chain or operating cord. This length is dependent on several factors, including the type of operation and the mounting height. Information now follows as to what this specifically means for you.
Our obligations as a supplier
We, as a supplier, have several obligations we need to, and naturally always want to, comply with. For example, Verano® may not accept any orders for non-child friendly products. Neither can Verano® deliver any non-child friendly products. We also need to inform our partners about child-safe window decorations. Another obligation is to enclose appropriate warnings with our products. For example, a label with a warning text must always be attached to the product, in a visible place. These are a few examples of all the rights and obligations we, as suppliers, need to satisfy. We take these obligations incredibly seriously.
What we ask from you
We produce our products via the rights and obligations required of us by the European Commission. But we will also need you to do a number of things once the product is in your possession. For example, if you have purchased window decorations with an operating chain, you are obliged to use the safety hook at all times. This will ensure the operating chain is secured against the wall. This mounting hook will be supplied with your product.
If you have purchased Venetian blinds or pleated blinds, you have the option of choosing an operating cord instead of an operating chain. You are obliged to use a cord clamp if you have opted for an operating cord. The cord clamp must be capable of holding all the cords if the window decoration has been fully retracted. No cord clamp will need to be used if the cord satisfies the length requirements. The cord clamp will also be supplied with your product.
Break-away connectors
Venetian blinds and pleated blinds are equipped with a break-away connector as standard. The break-away connector will break loose when power is applied.